
Project Date: 2021- 2023

Funding Support:   SSI, NSW Aboriginal Affairs, and Armidale Cultural Centre and Keeping Place

Description: The success of the Ignite model in helping refugee groups, led the SSI and Ignite teams to explore using this same model to support the First Nations peoples of Australia.

Launching Ignite in the Armidale region provided an opportunity to explore the possibilities of using the uniqueness to elevate the innate wisdom and knowledge, passion and intelligence of the local communities. This initiative has allowed entrepreneurship to flourish in the region, highlighting the economic potential within these communities.

Ignite successfully supported the development of the Armidale Cultural Centre and Keeping Place.  Ignite was able to secure funding to improve the retail space and exhibition spaces at the Centre.  This was implemented alongside mentoring in customer service, marketing, community engagement.

The project highlight was a wonderful community day held in September 2023, bringing together the Armidale community to celebrate entrepreneurship.

Outcomes:  32 Indigenous clients mentored, 16 clients graduated, 19 businesses operating independently.