
Support the dreams of aspiring entrepreneurs by donating to Ignite. Your contribution goes towards essential start-up expenses, including business name registration, domain name acquisition, hosting fees, and logo and website design, among other crucial elements. Your generosity fuels the journey of emerging businesses, helping them take the first steps toward success. Join us in igniting the spark of entrepreneurship – donate today



Milestone Support
Can help reach a crucial milestone like funding a Business Name Registration.



Boost Confidence
Can support someone in getting a professionally designed logo, boosting their confidence in turning their business dream into reality.



Full Business Assistance
Can contribute towards essential elements, including business name registration, logo, business card, flyer design, and print, helping entrepreneurs reach a wider audience and increase sales.



Empower Business Growth
May fund various aspects, including business name registration, logo, business card, flyer design and print, along with hosting, domain name, simple website, and social media. Everything needed to empower entrepreneurs in growing their business independently.